Friday, November 14, 2008


I love my husband.
Let's get that straight - LOVE. I love him and his freckles and his huge smile and his hands.

My husband, God love him, has a few hobbies that, for the life of me, I cannot get into. I am a sitting on the couch reading sort of girl. I am a buy-new-fabulous-shoes sort of woman. For God's sakes, I am a drink-a-glass-of-wine-while-watching-a-chick-flick sort of lady!

My lovely, lovely husband likes nothing more than to be outside. And not the normal kind of camping, mind you! My husband, Bless his soul, loves to go in the complete middle of nowhere where there is not a toilet to be found, prowl around like a wild animal, and he is happy.

We have walked miles through the Sonoran desert, over boulders (and I am very very afraid of heights....and 110 degree weather, thank you). We have found old missions and places where cars should not be going - but there we are, going there in a Jeep with a six inch lift.

My favorite and most ridiculous was backpacking up a mountain. I am a tall girl, but I have no upper body strength as you can only imagine, so this was very difficult for me (though he did, to his credit, take most of the heavy things). Once we got to where we were going, we set up a two person diamond-shaped tent, and made strange meals that wouldn't cook right because of the elevation.

I wasn't a happy camper (pardon the pun), but again - I LOVE my husband and I love spending time with him, so I go on these crazy trips all the time. While up on the mountain, it hailed for hours while we were stuck in our tent with our 60 pound dog. While up on the mountain, a mountain sheep tried to eat our clothes. While up on the mountain, I got sick and was throwing up for days (and well ... you know. Ugh).

My point is - I love my husband. He is the sweetest thing in the world. But I do not especially love backpacking. Or camping in the wild parts of the earth. Or eating dehydrated meals for days. But when he smiles, his eyes get a crinkle right in the corners and I love seeing that.

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